Our History

Greek Life began at the Missouri School of Mines on January 27th, 1903, with the founding of the Gamma Xi Chapter of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. That spring Kappa Alpha Order was founded on campus, and in November of the same year Kappa Sigma became the 3rd fraternity at the Missouri School of Mines. Over the next two decades 3 more fraternities were founded on campus.

Realizing the need for a strong governing body, the social fraternities on this campus organized the Interfraternity Council in 1930. The council was recognized by the faculty as an agency designed to preserve harmony and close friendship among the six fraternities. The Council had 4 officers and a total of 9 members at the time. As the organization continued to grow, each social fraternity was represented by a senior and junior representative; both being elected by their representative fraternity. These representatives presented the feelings of their fraternity on all matters coming before the Council. It was later stated that each fraternity on campus was expected to abide by the ruling of the Council.

The Council continued to experience rapid success and growth, with its aim to promote better relations and harmony among the fraternities and to act on all crucial fraternity problems. The Council’s responsibilities included planning guidelines for social rushing, athletic intramural activities, and hosting discussion on any matters that may affecting fraternity life. One of the first major social successes of the Council was the Interfraternity Ball. The Council later took on the role of establishing dates for all fraternity dances.

In 1943 the Council introduced new awards including the Interfraternity Sing Cup, which over time evolved into the present day Greek Sing; the Scholarship Cup, currently known as the scholastic award; and the plaque for Fraternity Man of the Year. In 1961, the outdated IFC insignia was replaced with the current IFC crest created by David John of the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity. 1962 marked the beginning of the first organized Greek Week by the Council. Over the next 50 years the Council continued its efforts in governance, recruitment, scholastics, philanthropy, service, community involvement, and programming events.

2025 marks the 95th year the IFC has continued to serve fraternities on this campus.