President Committee
AFLV Chairman:
Isaac Metz
Kappa Alpha Order
(417) 207-9965 –
- Ensures each officer and committee head is properly documenting their duties and actions
- Plans a work day for all members to come and work on their AFLV documentation
- Oversees the entire council to make sure that everyone is up to speed with where they should be
Vice President Programming Committee
Greek Week Chairman:
Ian Heathcote
Sigma Chi
(636) 237-3027 –
- Plans, organizes, and runs the Idi-Odysseys
- Coordinates with Panhellenic Council to find a Greek Week speaker
- Plans and organizes the Linking Hearts carnival
- Overseeing all Greek Week activities and makes sure that they are carried out smoothly
- Manages all internal planning and running of event
Points Chairman:
Canyon Reed
Sigma Nu
(314) 686-0865 –
- Keeps track of points brackets during Greek Week
- Ensures there are judges at IFC events when needed
- Orders Trophies for IFC events when needed
Games Chairman:
Sebastion Chavez
Phi Kappa Theta
(636) 495-2354 –
- Ensures that Greek Week is carried out smoothly by coordinating with the Greek Week and Fields Chairmen
- Organizes the Greek Week Games Packet
- Orders trophies, ribbons, medals, and plaques for all IFC events
- Plans the Games for Greek Week and organizes their set up
- Decides which games are played, what rules will be enforced
- Keeps the houses informed with everything pertaining to the Greek Week competition including updating Greek Week points
Fields Chairman:
Nathan Shaver
Tau Kappa Epsilon
(636) 385-8337 –
- Reserves and maintains Vichy Fields for the Opening and Closing Games of Greek Week
- Coordinates with businesses and the City of Rolla to make reservations for Greek Week buses, porter potties, and other necessities
- Works with Concerts, Games, and Greek Week Chairmen to assist them in their organizing and management of events
- Coordinates IFC work days to prepare fields for Greek Week
Concerts Chairman:
Aiden Enyeart
Theta Xi
(660) 728-9823 –
- Reserves a venue for the Greek Sing concert and hosts meetings with all the Greek houses to keep them informed of the rules and schedule of events
- Plans and coordinates Penny Wars before Greek Sing
- Books artists for Greek Week concerts and plans security, location, promotional material
Philanthropy Chairman:
Tim Roth
Beta Sigma Psi
(314) 598-8810 –
- Plans, organizes, and puts on the Out Til’ Midnight Service Event for the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
- Coordinates with Panhel and RHA to get students signed up fundraising services
- Keeps track of all money raised from individual organization
- Relays information between Student Life at Missouri S&T and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
Vice President Recruitment Committee
Internal Recruitment Coordinator:
Aj Kettering
Pi Kappa Phi
(309) 533-5890 –
- Represents Greek Life at Missouri S&T during PRO-Days and speaks to incoming freshmen and their families about the benefits of Greek Life during recruitment mini-sessions
- Talks to parents about benefits of Greek Life during Trig Review Session for incoming freshmen
- Works with the VP of Recruitment to ensure that all houses have no alcohol during PRO-Days by setting up house checks prior to the PRO-Days
- Coordinates with the VP of Recruitment to verify that all Greek Houses are following rush policies
- Plans all Spring and Fall Rush activities such as Vegas Night and Opening Week putt-putt
External Recruitment Coordinator:
Jared Blahnik
Lambda Chi Alpha
(816) 447-4162 –
- Represents Greek Life at Missouri S&T during PRO-Days and speaks to incoming freshmen and their families about the benefits of Greek Life during recruitment mini-sessions
- Talks to parents about benefits of Greek Life during Trig Review Session for incoming freshmen
- Works with the VP of Recruitment to ensure that all houses have no alcohol during PRO-Days by setting up house checks prior to the PRO-Days
- Coordinates with the VP of Recruitment to verify that all Greek Houses are following rush policies
- Plans all Spring and Fall Rush activities such as Vegas Night and Opening Week putt-putt
Vice President of Internal Affairs Committee
Scholarship Chairman:
Ethan Johnson
Sigma Pi
(636) 459-5859 –
- Providing scholastic services to the houses
- Sets for review sessions for Calculus and Physics tests
- Monitors grades internally for IFC members and fraternity chapters
- Meets with struggling chapters to review chapter requirements and set goals for semester
- Organizes Trig review sessions for incoming freshmen taking the math placement test
Diversity and Inclusion Chairman:
Alex Touami
Sigma Phi Epsilon
(248) 912-8095 –
- Promotes a sense of inclusivity within the Greek community
- Works with Student Diversity Initiatives for service and philanthropic opportunities
- Provides DEI trainings for the Interfraternity Council
Community Service Chairman:
Mason Pryor
Sigma Tau Gamma
(636) 544-6025 –
- Provides chapters with opportunities for meaningful service experiences
- Educates Greek community about the importance of volunteering
- Provides resources and support to help member chapters improve programming efforts related to service
- Organizes Highway Clean-Ups, Spring Service Day, and Greek Week Day of Service
Vice President of Risk Management Committee
Social Chairman:
Luke Holiday
Alpha Epsilon Pi
(41) 840-8959 –
- Updates the Official Greek Party Guest List
- Meets with respective social chairs from fraternities to plan and organize registered Greek parties
- Organizes IFC socials to increase relationships between IFC members and with other RSO’s
Health & Safety Chairman:
Alex Touami
Sigma Phi Epsilon
(248) 912-8095 –
- Ensures the security of the Greek community
- Works with VP – Risk Management on updating social policies
- Provides resources such as alarms, medication, and first aid to houses
- Helps mitigate potential risks to the members of the Greek community
Treasurer Committee
Sales Chairman:
Keaton Roof
Pi Kappa Alpha
(636) 515-2188 –
- Designs clothing apparel for Greek Life, Greek Sing, Out Til’ Midnight and Greek Week
- Works with companies to get clothing created
- Sells and distributes the shirts to all the Greek Fraternities and Sororities on campus
- Designs and orders cups for Greek Week and Greek Sing
Publications Chairman:
Thomas Harris
Delta Tau Delta
(573) 554-2997 –
- Organizes and publishes the St. Pat’s Edition and the Greek Week edition of the Hermes
- Creates a newsletter each semester sent to all fraternities and sororities
- Oversees ad sales and house articles of first year reps
- Creates and distributes all Greek publications including PRO brochures, pamphlets, flyers, and Greek promotional videos and material
Internal Sales:
Henry Gnann
Lambda Chi Alpha
(937) 475-4460 –
- Creates and orders all internal merchandise for the IFC general body
Secretary Committee
Public Relations Chairman:
Jack Ackerman
Delta Sigma Phi
(720) 534-5992 –
- Manages Social Media for the IFC
- Recognizes member chapters for achievements in athletics and scholarship
- Attends the large Greek community events
Constitution and Policies:
Jack Ackerman
Delta Sigma Phi
(720) 534-5992 –
- Overlooks new IFC policies
- Revises and overlooks IFC constitution
- In charge of updating the constitution and polices when needed
External Council Liaison
Jack Ackerman
Delta Sigma Phi
(720) 534-5992 –
- Attends other council meetings such as Panhellenic, Greek Independent Council, Student Council, and Resident Hall Association